The first International Drilling and Sawing Industry Report will be possible thanks to you

by | Sep 8, 2020 | Industry News

The International Association of Concrete Drillers & Sawers is preparing the International Drilling and Sawing Industry Report 2020a report that will provide relevant information about the current situation and trends for the professional linked to this sector.

 For this purpose, IACDS is conducting a survey among manufacturers and contractors to get data based on their activity and experience to build up a visual report with graphics and statistics.

 The survey for contractors is available in several languages (English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish).
I am a manufacturer

I am a contractor
This information can help industry stakeholders (contractors, suppliers and associations) in their knowledge of the business inbounds and abroad.

 In return for your time (5-10 minutes), participants will get free online access to this international report once it is published. All answers will be anonymous, but don’t forget to indicate an email address, so that we can send you the link to access the report.