by | Apr 6, 2021 | Industry News

Peter Leach, GSSI staff Archaeologist, has written and published an important new resource for the archaeology and forensic markets. We asked him to share his thoughts with you.

“I am pleased to release this new and freely-available GSSI handbook: A Theory Primer and Field Guide for Archaeological, Cemetery, and Forensic Surveys with Ground-Penetrating Radar.

For me, one of the greatest pleasures in life is to teach Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) theory and method to new users. I didn’t learn GPR in an academic setting – I had to learn it on my own during cultural resource management projects. I therefore can sympathize with people who are enthusiastic about the method but feel somewhat overwhelmed by the ostensibly complex nature of this and other geophysical techniques.

This handbook is my attempt to synthesize the salient aspects of GPR theory and field practices, and essentially to create a reference guide containing everything I wish I had known when I first started. The handbook is by no means a complete treatment of the subject, but it incorporates many of the important things I have learned in the past 13 years.

While this guide is intended for very specific application areas, I encourage everyone to read it regardless of their area of interest. As GPR becomes increasingly mainstream, and more people are introduced to it, a solid foundation in relevant theoretical considerations and proper field techniques is of critical importance. I hope you find this handbook interesting and useful, and that it is presented in an approachable and clear fashion. Now, get out there and zap stuff with GPR and have fun doing it!”  –Peter

Download this exciting new resource on our website > HERE