by | Jun 4, 2022 | Industry News


In September 2022, Concrete Openings will be running a special issue dedicated to Women in Concrete!

We are opening a special marketing opportunity for our members who want to spotlight the Women of their company.

2 package options are below. If you have any questions please email



Highlight the women in your company with the Digital Marketing Package

Package Includes: 

  • Social Post
    • Written about 1 specific woman within company
    • Posted to CSDA’s Facebook, Instagram, & LinkedIn
  • Boosted Social Post
    • Boosted to CSDA’s Facebook & Instagram with a reach of 25,000 to 50,000 viewers
  • 1 Spotlight in CSDA’s Weekly Digest Newsletter
  • Post featured on CSDA’s Homepage for 1 week

Cost: $650

Advertising Commitment Deadline: July 15, 2022



Women In Concrete Special Edition Print Ad Savings

Save 50% – For Current Advertisers Only!
Add a quarter to a full-page ad to your existing ad contract, and get 50% off the second ad; exclusively for a “Woman (or women) in your company” ad in the ‘Women In Concrete’ edition of Concrete Openings.


Save 10% – For NEW Advertisers Only!
Sign up for a one-time quarter to a full-page ad and save 10%. This offer is exclusively for a “Woman (or women) in your company” ad in the ‘Women In Concrete’ edition of Concrete Openings.

Advertising Commitment Deadline: July 15, 2022


Questions? Email: