CSDA Training Committee

1. Purpose
To provide specific recommendations to the CSDA Board of Directors on programs and courses that provide continuing education and skills training for CSDA members.

2. Membership
The committee membership shall consist of a chair, appointed by the President, and other CSDA members appointed by the chair. Committee membership should be six to eight members, not including the chair. Committee meetings will be held in conjunction with CSDA Board meetings. Additional meetings will be called as needed by the chair for the purpose of completing duties, plans and action steps set forth by the committee.

3. Specific Tasks
3.1 Maintain a record of all committee activities and actions.
3.2 Manage, organize and direct activities of the Training Committee.
3.3 Develop and recommend programs and activities that provide continuing education and skills training for CSDA members.
3.4 Bring committee needs and recommendations before the CSDA Board of Directors for consideration and action.
3.5 Make presentations covering the activities of the committee at the CSDA Board of Directors meetings.

4. Members

Patrick Harris (Chair)
Kellie Kimball (Vice-chair)
Tim Beckman
Scott Brown
Craig Cowan
Bob Crowther
Mark DeSchepper
Matthew Finnigan
Dan Foley
Rick Glidewell
Donna Harris
Jeff Keeling
Greg Lipscomb
Rick Norland
Mike Orzechowski
David Perkins
Clint Ralston
Bruno Silla
Jack Sondergard
Kristin Waters
Ronnie Willhite