CSDA Next Generation Committee

1. Purpose
The purpose of the CSDA Next Generation committee is to cultivate continuous leadership for CSDA through education, mentoring and networking.

2. Membership
The committee membership shall consist of a chair, appointed by the President, and other CSDA members appointed by the chair. Meetings will be held in conjunction with CSDA Board meetings. The chair for the purpose of completing duties, plans and action steps set forth by the committee will call additional meetings.

3. Specific Tasks
3.1 Bring a greater proportion of 2 nd tier owners into the association.
3.2 Draw young employees into the construction industry.
3.3 Foster the next generation of members and leaders and help recognize where the industry is taking us and where we want to take the industry.

4. Members
Bill Fisher (Chair)
Ryan Hammer (Vice-chair)
Brandon Bailey
Mark DeSchepper
Dan Foley
Emily Hammer
Kellie Kimball
Troy Laidlaw
Greg Lipscomb
Haley Long
Sam Long
Dani Planto
David Perkins
Keith Ripley
Bruno Silla
Kristen Waters
Ronnie Wilhite