by | Feb 15, 2022 | Industry News

The Michael E. DeBakey Veteran’s Aadministration Medical Center (VA Hospital) in Houston is expanding its Spinal Cord Injuries and Disorders Centers (SCI/D Centers), which is one of 25 such centers around the country. The Houston VA hospital is the second largest VA hospital in the United States.

For the project, additional plumbing was needed in one area, so ATI crews are using electric saws, powered by generators mounted on ATI vehicles, to cut the concrete per the general contractor’s specifications.

On this job, ATI found the slab was 16″ thick, while a typical interior slab is 6″- 8″ thick. This was not a major obstacle, but on job sites one needs to be prepared for anything. Crews adjusted and removed the concrete without incident.

All cut concrete had to be removed through a series of three 4′ x 7′ doorways.

ATI has experience in concrete removal in medical facilities, whether slab sawing, concrete cutting or core drilling.